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WSJ Opinion

Oregon Has a Drug Epiphany

The state ends its experiment with decriminalization for possession of heroin and other hard drugs.

Climate Alarmists' Bad Science

Advocates conduct shoddy research in an effort to show that warming will reduce economic growth.

Peabody Museum Review: Smearing Science

Yale University’s museum, which recently completed a four-year reconstruction, is now bigger and free to visit—and yet, caught up in the controversies of the field, it’s evidently skeptical of the very notion of natural history.

'Stalker' Review: A Magic Show That Gets Inside Your Mind

The Swedish duo Peter Brynolf and Jonas Ljung perform a series of spectacular tricks, exhibiting an impressive talent for sleight of hand and an even more confounding ability to access the private thoughts of audience members.

What's the SAT Good For?

Students debate the reinstatement of required standardized tests at Dartmouth, MIT, Yale and elsewhere.
